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Stop Smoking Hypnosis 

You can stop smoking in just one session

"Hi Mark. Just wanted to say a big thanks to you. Seems ages since I last smoked and I feel greatI I had tried everything before coming to you...I thought I was a no hoper. It totally changed my mind about hypnotherapy as you can see by the other people I have sent to you. Thanks again." ( Jan L Smoking Cessation)

Since 2005, Mark has helped hundreds of people just like you to stop smoking in just one unique 2 hour session. If you smoke 20 a day, for an investment of £275 you could be around £375 per month or £4500 per year better off (according to latest figures a pack of B &H Superkings Green is £12.50 at Tesco March 2024) 

So most people recoup the cost of the session within a few weeks of stopping! 


What are your reasons for wanting to become a Non Smoker NOW?

Improve your Health?

Increase your Wealth?

To look and feel younger?

To have more energy?

To be a role-model for family and /or friends?

All of the above?



This Stop Smoking Programme is so powerful and successful that 95% of people stop with one session. In the very unlikely event that you start again within 6 months Mark offers a free second session.


Did you know that Hypnotherapy is 3 times more effective than Nicotine Replacement Therapy for smoking cessation (results of a randomised trial, Complementary Therapies in Medicine)


It's important to understand that everyone who smokes is different and motivation and commitment are required in stopping smoking. It's for this reason that a free cal happens prior to you booking your session so that Mark can make sure it's right for you. Of course, if you are highly motivated and committed to becoming a non-smoker then you can expect to stop smoking easily with Mark's Stop Smoking Programme.


How it works

Mark will arrange a time to speak over the phone to make sure the program is right for you and this is the right time for you to stop. Then in the session, a unique and powerful combination of advanced hypnosis and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) techniques are used and as a result, more than 95% of people stop smoking after just one session.


Preparation for the session

  1. Make a list of all the reasons why you want to stop smoking and all the benefits you will gain from stopping

  2. Collect all your old ashtrays , lighters, etc and either throw them away or bring them with you to the session

  3. Tell all your friends and relatives that you are stopping smoking and tell them the date of your appointment. Research shows that this increases your commitment to stopping.

  4. Most importantly, don't smoke at all on the day of the session. Its very important that when you come for the session that you have a craving for your last cigarette. 


That's all !

The session takes upto 2 hours and together with your commitment and motivation you leave as a non-smoker!


"I have sought help from Mark over the last 5 years for a range of personal challenges, including smoking. The results are life-changing, physically, mentally and emotionally. I no longer smoke and my career has progressed significantly. It goes without saying that Mark's approach, manner and expertise is exceptional" (Sally S, Smoking Cessation)



Take action now  arrange a free 15 minute phone conversation now!


Text Mark or leave a voicemail  07973847190


or fill in contact form on Contact page



"Hi Mark. Just a word of grateful thanks for the help you gave me in my weight loss programme. After 4 sessions I felt really powerfully motivated to lose the excess weight and get fitter. Before our sessions, I had tried them all, Weight Watchers, Slimming World, even the Atkins Diet, all with varying degrees of success. After a while, the weight just started yo increase again. Since our first session some six months ago, Ive lost in excess of 25kg and still going. All this has been achieved because you helped me to empower myself and motive myself to do it. For anyone out there who has tried them all, I cannot recommend Mark enough. In the words of a famous sportswear brand, JUST DO IT! Thanks for everything" (Bill)

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