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Julia - Hypertension
Hi Mark,
Hope you're well. Ithought I'd update you as it's about five weeks since I finished my sessions. The sessions have proved very helpful. I've been using the techniques when taking blood pressure readings and am finding that I'm much calmer than I was, both before and during the process. 
My blood pressure is much lower at the moment, so much so that I stopped taking medication just over a week ago. 


Sara - Fear

Had my MRI scan, no problem at all!. Thank you so much for helping me with this and making it so much easier for are a star!


Jo - Exam and Study Anxiety( Son)

Just wanted to share with you that Robbie got a first in his degree at X. So proud of him. Thank you for all your help which played a massive help.


Sarah - Smoking Cessation

Just wanted to say thank you for your help a few months ago. I haven't gone back to any of my old smoking habits. A joy to be free from it. Many thanks again.


Gareth - Coaching / Confidence

Mark has helped me to improve and grow in so many aspects of my life which has given me more confidence to get what I want out of life. He has always made me feel very comfortable and at ease. Honestly can't thank Mark enough for the help he has given


Jim - Weight Reduction & Health

Hi Mark

​Thought I should give you a brief update.

Since we first met in the 1st quarter I have lost about 18kg, but more importantly feel heaps better; managing to enjoy fully quite a few very big “lay bye” weekends but mostly have cut down on the drinking and exercising quite well during the week. Biggest problem currently is that I have had to buy some new smaller size trousers….

Try to listen to some of your things, most notably the weight management one which is a favourite on my regular flights. Cannot thank you enough for your help and input in to my new regime- certainly would not have happened without you.​


Karen - Insomnia
Hi mark hope you are well, excellent news all round!!!! After 8 years of having chronic insomnia I'm actually SLEEPING an average of seven hours a night since my last session with you. I wish I could tell you what a massive difference you have made to my life. Something happened today which hasn't happened in a lot of years I HAD A LIE IN!!!! Thankyou once again. Karen  

Luke - Stress Management
Mark calmly and understandably resolves immediate issues and also arms you with a variety of useful techniques that you can take forward with you in everyday life to overcome your challenges and deliver. long term, sustainable improvements to your lifestyle and mental wellbeing

Karli - Anxiety
Just want to thank you for helping me with my anxiety. I feel as though I can carry on with my life now and work through whatever gets in my way. You've changed my life and everyone can see the difference in me!


Emma - Sports Performance

Hiya!  did the marathon,  i got 3 hr 59 and 39 sec so just under the 4 hours and im happy because it definitely was not my mind which let me down, no longer had the 4hour barrier i was doing well till about 20 miles and i think i had gone to fast to start with and dropped to 10 min miles. i tried many times to speed up but my legs were having non of it! my mental battle was definitely less and i was happy the whole way round. i just know now that i did my best with the legs that god gave me!  thank you so much for all your help,  you really have made me want to run more and i know that i can push myself harder and definitely not going to give up now!!   thanks again  I know I have said it before, but I really cannot thank you enough.
Karan - Fear of Spiders
Hi Mark I would just like to say a huge thank you for your support and for helping me overcome my phobia of spiders, for as long as I can remember I have been afraid of spiders, even just looking at a picture or a plastic spider would send me into a panic. I was so afraid I would sometimes leave the house if I saw a spider and no one was at home to remove it. Now now after just 2 sessions  with you I am able to remain calm and remove a spider from the house myself and recently I faced my biggest challenge yet and I not only held a tarantula in my hand, I actually tasted roasted tarantula, a local delicacy in Cambodia! Can you believe that after years of being petrified I can now stay calm and relaxed in the presence of spiders. Thank you so much, I would never have believed it possible
Katie - Fear of Needles and Hospitals
I went to Mark with a fear of anything medical, most of all having an injection. My therapy was in a nice, quiet space and wasn't rushed, Without my therapy I wouldn't have been able to move on and have medical help if needed or gone on to have my 2 little boys.

Lorraine - Performance Anxiety
Hi Mark, its Lorraine, just a quick text to let you know I played really well at Butlins and enjoyed it. I really did feel calm before and during, just a little bit of an edge, all went great, thank you, we got a medal and I now feel fantastic. Without your help I would've backed out (Cornet Player, Brass Band)

Teresa - Driving Test Anxiety
Hi Mark, I have finally overcome my nerves to pass my driving test this morning thanks to your support and CDs. Thank you so much.

Bill - Weight Reduction
Hi Mark Just a word of grateful thanks for the help you gave me in my weight loss programme. After 4 sessions I felt really powerfully motivated to lose the excess weight and get fitter. Before our sessions, I had tried them all, Weight Watchers, Slimming World, even the Atkins Diet, all with varying degrees of success. After a while, the weight just started yo increase again. Since our first session some six months ago, Ive lost in excess of 25kg and still going. All this has been achieved because you helped me to empower myself and motive myself to do it. For anyone out there who has tried them all, I cannot recommend Mark enough. In the words of a famous sportswear brand, JUST DO IT! Thanks for everything

Emilio - Stress Management
I enjoyed working with Mark, he allowed me to help myself let go of the things that were weighing me down whilst helping me move forward at the same time. As a result I've since gone on to personally develop even more - thank you.

Jan - Child, Separation Anxiety
I would like to let you know India has been away on a school trip for two nights, she had a fantastic time, I'm so proud of her and she is also in her own bed all night every night, we still have occasional wobbles but words can't describe how grateful and happy I am to you

Michelle - Anxiety & Trauma Resolution
You have helped me to get my independence back, I was stuck in such a small circle of area and was becoming depressed! After hypnotherapy, EMDR and someone to talk to I gained confidence again and I am now on my way to recovery, going to new places with the help of techniques and relaxation CDs I was given. Couldn't thank you enough.

Pete - Coaching
Having seen Mark for Personal and Business coaching I have had the courage over a period of 18 months to review my business and the way I worked, with Mark's help I have transformed and changed my business to enable me to have a better home / work balance, Fears over my confidence in myself have almost gone so every penny spent has been an investment in my future work and personal life His professional calming approach ensured that I have total confidence in his ability and his integrity, The results speak for themselves. I can't recommend Mark enough! 

Jules - Children's issues
behaviour Our Son was always labelled ‘the naughty boy’ at school. His non-conformist behaviour was often misunderstood. Over time this led to disruption in the classroom and more worryingly poor self-esteem and despondency. With Marks help, Jakes behaviour and self-confidence has vastly improved. His attitude at home and at school is so much better. He’s calmer, more focussed and settles down to task. Mark now mentors Jake, he really looks forward to the sessions. We can't thank you enough for unlocking his true and wonderful potential.

Kathleen - Dental Phobia
I now feel fully recovered from my phobia – a small miracle. A lifetime fear of the dentist was cured after only two consultations with Mark at New Beginnings. As a result I am now able to visit the dentist free from anxiety and remain calm throughout my treatment which has in the last 18 months involved extractions, crowns and fillings! Whilst I don’t look forward to visiting the dentist I now no longer fear it. I do wish I had been able to visit him sooner!

Victoria - Trauma and PTSD
I visited Mark for help with recovering from a car accident that I’d had a few years ago.  I couldn’t shake the stress and panicked feelings and thoughts that every time I got into a vehicle I would be involved in another accident.  Friends and family kept saying ‘it’s all in your head’ these fears but I couldn’t resolve them and how on earth was I meant to stop?!  At my initial visit him sooner!
My visit to Mark was fantastic, I immediately felt at ease, and like I hadn’t actually gone mad!  He explained how my brain was reacting to past events and the process involved in resolving the issues at the forefront of my mind; although my accident had been a few years earlier it was crystal clear as if it had happened yesterday.  For someone to acknowledge what I was struggling with was real and something could be done about it was a real weight off my shoulders.  At the time I really was struggling to drive and going anywhere that I didn’t know was a complete no go.  I felt like each session was completely focused on me and my confidence was coming back.
My accident was no longer the first thing I thought about when I got in a car, it was now in the past!  I no longer have any problems at all with driving, I feel confident in my abilities and am quite happy to drive from one side of the country to the other with no hesitation (and I have actually done this!).  
Mark’s techniques have also helped me in other aspects of my life when I get stressed; I remember what he taught me and work through this method.  I really can’t recommend Mark enough, he’s worked wonders with me and I can’t imagine how I’d be if I hadn’t sought his help, one thing’s for sure I wouldn’t be driving!    

Gary - Anxiety 
Groom Speech Thanks to your help Mark, I was able to enjoy my day and had no problems doing the speech-even enjoyed it! Joan - Smoking Cessation 6 months now and I feel so much better and love saying "I'm a Non smoker"

anonymous - Weight Reduction
Hi Mark, I came to you in January and had 4 sessions for weight loss, at the time my eating was way out of control and I thought that the hypnotherapy would go some way towards helping. I was very nervous before my first session as I didn't know what to expect and was worried that it wouldn't work as I really felt that it was the last chance saloon where my weight was concerned.
I needn't have worried, you really put me at my ease and instead of helping with my eating, the hypnotherapy completely corrected ALL of my issues and I saw results after the first session.   4 months on I have dropped 2 dress sizes and, having stood on the scales today for the first time in weeks, I discovered that I have now lost 2 stones! I feel so happy and confident and feel that my health is much better too, I am now a healthy weight again and am just going to leave my body to find it's own level.  
The hypnotherapy has also had some unexpected, but positive, results for me. During my therapy I felt a huge outpouring of emotions, probably because I was no longer able to use food to suppress them. It was a tough few weeks but I now find my emotions more stable than before and am much clearer about what I want and how to tackle problems that arise. My relationship is also much stronger as I think I actually see things much more clearly and am less prone to flying off the handle. It's a little bit like the selfish child inside of me has grown up!  
Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you really and that you should be really proud of what you do for people. I have made several of my friends and family aware of how hypnotherapy has helped me and always recommend you as a professional and ethical therapist. My doctor is also very impressed.

Becky - Driving Test Anxiety
Just to let you know the hypnotherapy worked wonders and I passed my test with only two minors, thanks for the CDs too. they really worked.

Pauline - Weight Reduction
Mark,I did your weight programme 6 months ago and during that time I lost 2 stone. I have now lost another 2 stone so 4 stone in total. I have even started exercising and started a dance class. I feel much better in myself and feel so in control of what I am eating.  As you may remember I used to be thinking about food all the time as I’d been on so many diets. I am now enjoying what I eat and no longer feel guilty about having a biscuit. Thanks Mark, I’ve told lots of people about you.  

Faith - Inner Child Therapy
Hi Mark   I just wanted to send a short note to firstly say how the past few months have been and the progress i have made. There has been some ups and downs but each time they pass quickly and i am able to carry on stronger each time. I have become a lot more comfortable in my own skin and am finally accepting the person who i am and moving forward from the past and just being in the present. I am becoming more confident and have done a video to just put into perspective how far i have come of the past few years and am learning being a lot more gentler on myself these days lol. I wanted to say Thank you for all the work we have done, it has changed my life around.  

Alison - Stress Management
I had tried a lot of alternative therapies during the 3 negative IVF cycles but none have compared to hypnotherapy. Whilst IVF played a huge part in this pregnancy I really do believe that with your help I was able to remain far more relaxed throughout using the techniques you taught me!  

Anonymous - Smoking Cessation
Hi Mark Just wanted to say a big thanks to you. Seems ages now since I last smoked and I feel great. I had tried everything before coming to you, patches, chewing gum, zyban... I thought I was a no hoper. It totally changed my mind about Hypnotherapy as you can see by the other people I have sent to you. Thanks again    

Lynn - Fear of Storms
Dear Mr Ward, I’d like to thank you for helping me. As you can remember, when I first came to you I was absolutely petrified of storms. They ruled my life, I was forever thinking about them, couldn’t go out, had panic attacks and was in such a state. I couldn’t even write the word on a piece of paper. When I was with you we didn’t have any storms to test it out even though I got to the point of talking about them and feeling OK. Just had storms this week with lots of thunder and lightening. The first one I read my book, the second one I was out shopping, felt great, didn’t even have to use the tools you gave me. Thanks so much, only wish I had had hypnotherapy in my 20’s, not my 60’s

Mandy - Fear of Spiders
Hi Mark Just thought I’d let you know, I picked the biggest spider up yesterday, my husband couldn’t believe it. I put it outside, it even made me laugh cos I had postman pat tune playing in my head whilst I did it. What a difference to when I first spoke to you, I was getting into a panic just talking about them.Thanks again, I’ve recommended you to lots of mates  

Jane - Fear of Dogs
Thanks Mark for helping me with my phobia of dogs. I can go walking in the park, down the street and no longer feel any fear, I have even stroked quite a few now and me and my boyfriend have even talked about getting one. Thanks again


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