"I visited Mark for help with recovering from a car accident that I'd had a few years ago. I couldn't shake the stress and panicked feelings and thoughts that every time I got into a vehicle I would be involved in another accident. My visit to Mark was fantastic. I immediately felt at ease , and like I hadn't actually gone mad. He explained how my brain was reacting to past events and the process involved to resolve the issues. At the time, I really couldn't drive. After just a few sessions, I started driving again, the accident felt like it was in the past, my confidence grew. I am now happy to drive all over the country." ( Vickie)
Do you need help with Trauma or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?
Trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event / events.
Post Traumatic Stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that's triggered by a traumatic event - either experiencing it or witnessing it. It affects around 1 in 3 people and can develop immediately after the event or can occur weeks or even months and sometimes years afterwards.
What can cause Trauma and PTSD?
Traumatic Events
Military Combat
Road Traffic Accidents
Physical Assault
Sexual assault
Robbery, Mugging
Being Held Hostage
Terrorist Attack
Natural Disaster
Diagnosis of Life-Threatening illness
The Symptoms?
Intrusive thoughts and memories
Having flashbacks and reliving the distressing memories of traumatic event
Severe emotional distress or physical reactions to something that reminds you of the event ( eg a Newspaper report about a domestic abuse may remind a victim or a firework going off may remind a soldier of the event )
Avoidance Trying to avoid thinking or talking about the traumatic event Avoiding places, activities or people that remind you of the traumatic event
Thinking and mood Changes
Negative feelings about yourself or other people
Feeling emotionally numb
Lack of interest in activities you once enjoyed, hopelessness about the future
Memory problems, including not remembering important aspects of the traumatic event
Difficulty maintaining close relationships
Changes in emotional reactions: Irritability, angry outbursts or aggressive behaviour
Always being on "high alert" for danger and being easily startled or frightened
Self-destructive behavior, such as drinking too much or driving too fast
Trouble concentrating or sleeping
Feeling overwhelmed with guilt or shame
Treatment for Trauma and PTSD
PTSD is like a wound that has not healed. With the right kind of therapeutic help it can be healed Once the healing is complete, the wound closes and becomes a scar. The facts have not changed, and the scar remains, but the hurt is no longer there to fester and damage.
For years Mark has successfully treated PTSD and Trauma offers using different psychotherapy interventions which were probably the most effective out there
EMDR (Eye Movement Dissociation Technique) and IEMT (Integral Eye Movement Therapy)
VK (Visual Kinaesthetic) Dissociation Technique, also known as Rewind Technique"
He now uses the BLAST Technique, an Amigdala Desensitising Technique (ADT)which was created and developed by Nick Davies to be more precise and work faster and more effectively with PTSD and Trauma than EMDR. It is now being used successfully around the world
Neuroscience research shows that structures the right side/hemisphere of the brain are overactive and acting as if there is an immediate threat to sufferers of PTSD and Trauma. The BLAST Technique utilises precise bi-lateral movements with a light pen (which helps the memory access the left side /hemisphere of the brain) and specific suggestions to the client which helps reprocess the traumatic event so they understand what happened and can remember , but it no longer hasty physical or emotional response.
Mark is an Advanced BLAST Technique Practitioner.
"I had a bad riding accident and since that day I have struggled with the fear every time I tried to get in the saddle the fear would come back. I just couldn't get over the accident. I felt Mark was my last chance. He made me feel at ease. I must say I felt great when I left and after seeing Mark a few times the day came to get back in the saddle. It was fantastic and I got straight on, the feelings of fear had all gone. I'm now riding like I was before. I could not be where I am without the help of Mark and because of his help, I have many years of riding to look forward to." (Zoey & Danny the horse)