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Therapy & Mind-Magic for children and teenagers

Separation Anxiety, Moving Schools, Exams, Confidence, Sport

Do you need professional help for your child?

 "Mark has been a massive support to our whole family for various issues, especially anxiety and stress. Mark has helped my children enormously with school, exam and social media anxieties. The children are comfortable with Mark and trust he will help them with immediate worries and strategies. That's why they call him "magic Mark" (Lesley)



"A huge thanks for helping George with his nerves about 11+ exam. He passed it with flying colours. He slept like a log night before and came out smiling afterwards. He was so anxious before your help" (Nicola)


Treatment areas Mark can help in


  • Fears and Phobias

  • Worries/Stress

  • Bedwetting

  • Exam/Study

  • Confidence and Sel-Esteem

  • Performance Anxiety

  • Bullying

  • Nail Biting

  • Dentist

  • Sleep

  • Anger

  • Trauma

  • Changing School

  • Sport


Please ask if there is an issue that you or your child requires help with which is not on here.



Safe Hands Therapy & Mind-Magic Clinic

Mark has over 25 years experience of working with children. Prior to becoming a Mind-Coach and Hypnotherapist, Mark was a School Teacher and Sports Coach and had worked with children in England, France and USA.


Now he is able to use all his skills and experience to engage and empower children and teenagers to resolve issues, move forward with their lives and achieve their goals. Mark works with children from the age of 8.


Treatment for Children and Teenagers is often fast and effective. Most children require between 2 and 4 sessions. Interventions can include Hypnotherapy, NLP, The BLAST Technique (to help clear Trauma and Fears), EFT and Mind Coaching


For teenagers :

Hypnotherapy works in a similar way with adults. When our body relaxes comfortably and the mind is in a calm, day-dream state, we are in a light state of hypnotic relaxation. Children experience this kind of state many times a day quite naturally; upon awakening or falling asleep, or just becoming absorbed in thought or in imaginative play.


Children have a well developed sense of imagination and often imagine they are Harry Potter, David Beckham or another hero. Their unconscious mind is very receptive to positive suggestions and can come up with creative solutions to problems. They are often happy relaxing and enjoying a guided daydream full of positive suggestions to act out in their imagination.



For young children:

Younger children don't always relax; they just see/ feel /hear things in their imagination as guided by Mark. It is more like engaging in active imagination games which they do easily.


Ask them to see their problem as a shape or a colour and shrink it or change it, they just do it! Ask them to blow away their problem, they can do it with help! Children spend a lot of their life in their imaginations, Mark just gets them to use this in a positive and constructive way in order to help overcome their problems.



What happens in a therapy/ coaching session for children?


At the beginning of the first session Mark chats with the child and the parent about the issue(s):talk about how things are now, how long they have been this way and how they would prefer to think, feel and behave instead. Focus is on how the child is experiencing things. Emphasis is on solution.


Depending on their age and personality, Mark may help them relax using appropriate language for their age group, get them to imagine something as if telling them a story or as if they are watching it on a TV screen. There will be guided visualisation of them overcoming their problems and always positive suggestions to boost their confidence.


The BLAST Technique is often used for Trauma, Fears and"stuck" emotions


Parents are welcome to stay in the room although once children feel comfortable they tend to express their true feelings when parents are outside the room.


Tools and Techniques are often given to the child to "take away".


"Thank you so much for your help Mark, India has now been away on a school trip for 2 nights. She had a fantastic time. Im so proud of her and she is also in her own be all night every night. Words can't describe how grateful and happy I am to you" (Jan, separation anxiety)




New Beginnings Hypnotherapy © 2006

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