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"Just want to thank you for helping me with my anxiety. I feel as though I can carry on with my life now and work through whatever gets in my way. You've changed my life and everyone can see the difference in me!" (Karli)
The New Beginnings Method for Anxiety
At New Beginnings, Mark specialises in helping people with anxiety and offers a unique combination of Hypnotherapy, NLP, EFT & BLAST technique that can help you!
We all know what it's like to feel anxious. Most of us experience anxiety when we're faced with stressful situations, Anxiety is part of our natural "fight-or-flight" response. It's our body's way of warning us of possible danger ahead. A certain amount is even helpful in spurring people on to higher achievements.
However, if anxiety is overwhelming you with fear and worry, preventing you from living your life the way you want to, you may be suffering from an Anxiety Disorder
So what are some anxiety disorders?
Panic Attacks: Affects one third of adults each year and is twice as common in women. Physical symptoms may include chest pain, pounding heart, stomach upset, dizziness, trembling, shortness of breath and a feeling that death is near.
Specific Phobias: Affects one in ten. Intense, irrational fears of certain things or situations. eg.public speaking, spiders, dogs, heights, driving, flying, needles. Adults realise they are irrational but facing or thinking about them may bring on anxiety.
Social Anxiety Disorder or Social Phobia: Affects as many as one in ten, can stop people from mixing with friends and relatives. Sufferers may become so withdrawn that they completely lose touch with the people they were once close to.
Exam Anxiety: Whether it is a college exam or some kind of test that is given at work, people may feel overwhelmed by it. They may avoid the exam by being absent from work or school on that day.
Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD): A feeling of fear that permeates every aspect of life. It comes from nowhere and has no cause that is apparent. People with GAD are constantly worried and tense. They appear to think things up to worry about.
Separation Anxiety: This is usually a case of anxiety in children but can also affect adults. Young children who are first taken off to school may experience fearfulness that the parent will not return for them.
The New Beginnings Method for Stress Management
How do you handle the stress levels in your life?
Most of us have been made aware of the ideal way to balance our life, work and responsibilities, unfortunately this is not an ideal world and despite our very best efforts, things can simply pile up and get on top of us. Stress is possibly the greatest cause of ill health in today’s frantic society effecting people from all walks of life.
Up to 90% of illnesses are stress related. Stress aggravates all medical conditions and causes many more problems, some of these being:
Stomach Pains and Ulcers
High Blood Pressure
Heart Attacks
The New Beginnings Stress Management Programme starts with an initial assessment followed by 4 solution-focused personalised sessions totally designed for you. These will focus on:
Highlighting and Desensitising your stress triggers
Recognising and changing negative thought patterns
Putting you in control of how you want to think, feel and act
Empowering you to manage your own reactions to stress
Empowering you to make positive changes to your life
Giving you powerful mind/body tools and techniques to help you feel more at peace/in control
The Sessions are collaborative and tailor-made for you and can consist of:
Coaching through NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
Hypnotherapy and Self Hypnosis
The BLAST Technique
IEMT/EMDR ( Eye Movement Therapies)
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
Mindfulness techniques
Booklet of Tools for Calm and Control
Self Hypnosis Recordings
Mini Videos of empowering techniques
Do you want to take control back now! Take that first step today!
"My daughter was THRILLED to get AAA* she's got a place at number 1 choice of University and is very excited. I said she should call you if the nerves get on top of her!! Can't thank you enough for your help" (Catherine)

If you are affected by any of these give Mark a call to see how he can help you
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